Lanza Gallery & Art Supplies
The Lanza Gallery Inc.’s business philosophy is to make integrity a priority.
Our goal is to make quality art products available, with American made whenever possible.
We cater to the amateur as well as the professional artist. In addition, we sell beautiful crafted art made by local artists with the goal of making those artists and our customers our number one priority.
As an art supply store, we intend to listen to the needs of local artists and, whenever possible, keep our prices within 5-10% of the regular prices found at common online art stores.
The other side of the store is designed to make your feel comfortable as you observe the artwork of many local artists
and myself. Most times that artwork will reflect the beauty of our surroundings. Occasionally we will introduce work that pertains to a certain theme or a special group. This gallery is also intended to be solid home base for my art.
Some of you have asked...what’s in the name? The naming of my gallery and art supply store is continuing on a long time tradition for the family store
and is in honor of my Italian,
father, Louis Lanza and my amazing family heritage. Watch the video below for the
entire story.
Thanks for your support.
Tina Corbett
Owner and Fine Artist

Every Artist was once an Amateur.